Sweetleaf 100% natural stevia sweetener - 35 x 1g. Packets wisdom natural brands sweet leaf 100% natural stevia sweetener is america'spletely natural, no-calorie, no-carbohydrate, no-glycemic index sweetener! just one packet is as sweet as two teaspoons of sugar. Made from the purified extracts from the stevia leaf, sweetleaf stevia sweetener has absolutely nothing artificial in it! ideal for diabetics, weight watchers and everyone else too, this kosher-certified sweetener uses only the highest quality stevia. And unlike chemical sweeteners, it is great for cooking and baking. Stir it into your coffee or tea, sweeten up your bowl of cereal, use it in your cooking and baking, and ban the calories and chemicals found in sugar and artificial sweeteners. No saccharin, aspartame, refined sugar, maltodextrin, fructose or artificial sweeteners of any kind sweetleaf stevia sweetener stands alone as the only stevia-based sweetener that uses only cool purified water and the highest quality stevia leaves in its proprietary extraction process. This is a revolutionary approach which no one else offers. Sweetleaf stevia sweetener is the purest and sweetest source of stevia on the market today. Only sweetleaf stevia sweetner has: zero glycemic index zero calories zero carbs zero chemicals zero additives zero solvents zero sugar alcohol zero aftertaste is gluten free sweetleaf stevia sweetener product facts sweetleaf stevia sweetener is a 100% natural sweetener derived from the stevia plant, an herb native to paraguay. Sweetleaf stevia sweetener has zero calories, zero carbohydrates and zero glycemic index. Sweetleaf stevia sweetener employs proprietary technology that uses only cool, purified water to extract a select blend of glycosides from high-quality stevia leaves. Sweetleaf is the only stevia-basedpany in the world to use this process.
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