NINE TREES CELTIC spell Cast for you OUR FULL COVEN AND LED by 99 year old Witch

Sterling free ring or pendant INCLUDED

Please send us your full name and birth date in a message as well!!!



OUR FULL COVEN LED BY Albina will cast this powerful spell LONG held 50X spell called "Nine Trees" and it promotes MANY powers! Albina explains that all animal and plant forms exude a "potent and pure energy" that effects other living energies around them. This form of Magick has actually directed these energies from "some of the oldest living forms of energy around us derived from the trees themselves". She says the Celtics believed that certain trees possess certain powers and exude these energies. This spell brings forth these amazing powers no matter how far one's physical location or home environment is from the actual trees:

1) The Strength of Oak: promotes a "driving" force of energies that provides the bearer with endurance, power and an overall strength that can carry one through even the most severe challenges!

2) Absorbency of Alder: promotes a greater capacity to learn and absorb information in order to progress in knowledge, wisdom and power! Also allows the bearer to absorb energies that will assist in furthering one's progress and skills which may lead to greater successes and the achievement of one's goals.

3) Straightness of Ash: This aspect of the Spell promotes nobility, honor and walking the "straight and narrow". Albina says that one will find that they are not tempted by those around one who offer false solutions or hollow opportunities" and one's sense of "noble strength" is enhanced!

4) Healing of Willow: Promotes a healing form of energies to be drawn that will assist in healing of one's soul, body and mind of destructive of self-limiting energies. Albina says that this aspect of the spell alone if "vastly powerful".

5) Brightness of Beech: this aspect of the spell promotes drawing forth one's most "glowing" inner energies and it promotes one's best qualities as well as enhanced talents and natural abilities. Albina says this aspect "allows the bearer to SHINE".

6) Elegance of Elm: promotes refined speech, graceful body language and draws in the energies that promotes "attractiveness and a certain magnetism" for the bearer that will draw others towards one and allow one to progress and advance in social and career circles with ease!

7) Purity of Birch: This aspect allows the bearer to be "purified" by cleansing and releasing negative energies, while at the same time protecting against further "contamination" by negative energies that one comes in contact with. Albina says that this aspect "keeps others negativity from effecting one" and "disallows the effects of other's negative emotions, opinions as well as the energies that these behaviors create".

8) Power of Holly: Albina says that this "powerful" force of energies allows the bearer an "advancement" and potent "boost" within one's inner stores of power. She says this is the aspect of the spell that is usually the first that is recognized by those around the bearer, as they "notice and sense that the bearer has become 'stronger" in their demeanor, value and abilities to take charge!"

9) Everlastingness of Yew: This aspect of the spell promotes longevity and a "deep peace" that allows one to "roll with challenges and difficult tasks" with a sense of preserverence. She adds that this aspect of the spell promotes a longer life as well as a more peaceful and "whole" life in which one enjoys and learns from every experience.

Albina wanted to add that one will notice that they are usually "going through stages of change" with this very complex spell!  She closed by saying that she "felt the need" to share this spell because of the many dramatic ways in which it could GREATLY assist in changing people's lives for the better! My DEEPEST Thanks and SINCERE Blessings to her for all of her time and efforts!!

Albina says once again that one should allow for 2-3 weeks in order for one's energies to align with the Spell. MY WARMEST Thanks to Albina for all that she has given in both time and talents!!