Do not doubt your draw to Lucifer. He is not evil, nor is he "the Devil". The misinformation campaign against the being known as Lucifer has been going for thousands of years. And, it is still ongoing. The reason the elites want to steer you away from Lucifer is that he will grant you power. The people at the top want you to stay in your place so they can continue to take advantage of you. Do not fall for that trick any longer! Bring Lucifer's power into your life and see how they will quiver in your presence.
Today, my Coven and I present to you a powerful "Become Lucifer's Vassal" spell. A vassal is someone who pledges themselves to a cause. Lucifer's cause is empowering humanity with individual power. You did not stumble upon this spell by accident. You found it because Lucifer is reaching out to you with a helping hand. Are you ready to take it?
This spell will grant you soul immortality, complete manipulation over others, increased physical strength, higher sex drive, boosted sexual attraction, third eye opening, awakening of your Shadow Self, respect and influence, boldness and bravery, wealth-drawing abilities, and coercion in all areas of life (family, work, etc.).
How long have you thought about raising yourself from your current position? How often is that on your mind? Imagine yourself, by the power of Lucifer himself, powerful and ready to take on all challengers. Picture yourself at a higher spiritual consciousness than everyone else around you. See yourself solving all the problems no one else can seem to solve. You will be a vassal of Lucifer. You can feel it right now.
This spell works directly on whoever you wish it cast upon. It works by using Black Magick and occult dark arts to bind you to Lucifer as his faithful liege. You can feel that you are ready right now. You know there is power at your fingertips at this very moment. You are ready to reach out and take it.
This Luciferian spell will be performed by all of my coven members to make sure its effects get to you. We will all gather under the cover at night to call upon you and Lucifer to activate you. You will never be the same.
You can pick your date that this spell needs to be completed. Any time you desire, whether it is at midnight or whenever, I will provide this service to you. Tell me in advance and there will be ZERO problems!
There is no item that will be shipping from us - this is a casting.
There are no amulets or totems necessary for this spell.
Once purchased I will message you and get the details that we will need from you.