Theresienoil with its unique composition provides the skin with all the necessary nutritional ingredients for its proper functioning - maintaining ph balance, humidity and selective permeability in the immune defense. Due to its regenerative effect, Theresienoil is effective in wounds, burns, after surgical, aesthetic and cosmetic interventions. This oil contains only natural fats and pure plant extracts and its application results in the healing of injuries, open wounds and burns by stimulating the body's natural ability to recover and heal.
Recommended for code care:
- Wounds and injuries especially in severely healing wounds - Burns of varying degrees (grades I to III), sunburn - Swelling after insect bites and stings - Scars resulting from injuries, burns, burns, surgeries, amputations ... - Cotusia and hematoma - Decubitis - Striae - Dermatological problems: acne, eczema, neurodermatitis, allegory rash - After surgical, aesthetic and cosmetic interventions including caesarean section - Skin irritation in breastfeeding - After sunbathing, waxing, epilation
Carefully selected herbal extracts and oil in Theresienoil have traditionally been used for over 700 years as potent immunostimulants, natural antiseptics and analgesics during the process of wound healing, epithelialization and skin and mucous membrane regeneration. - Extracts from a specific type of wild onion from Tyrol, have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, soothing pain in wounds, burns and injuries - The oily component promotes wound healing by stimulating epithelialization and regeneration of skin and mucous membranes. - Apple Phenols Seed Extracts have anti-free radical action by their antioxidant action, exhibiting a regenerative effect after exposure to high temperatures and Vegetable oils with healing effect. Operation:
The preparation is recommended for burns, swelling after insect bites, hypertrophic scars and keloids, injuries, hematomas, bruises, pressure sores, eczema, psoriasis, acne, allergic rash. Accelerates skin regeneration. The analgesic effect is almost instantaneous, even in severe injuries and burns. Relieves itching of various types and stimulates epithelialization of wounds. Hydrates tissues. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. Stimulates the body's natural ability to recover. Fast acting and long lasting result.
Theresienoil is obtained from 100% pure natural ingredients - natural fats and medicinal extracts. Every attempt to produce this oil synthetically has failed. This is partly due to the specific composition of animal and plant ingredients.
Way of use:
Skin irritations: Apply the oil 1-2 times a day, a small amount of this oil and you will notice results in a very short period of time.
Burns: Apply the oil 2 - 4 times a day, depending on the degree of skin damage.
For postoperative scars: Apply the oil 2 - 4 times a day and put some gauze over it, in order to have a better and longer therapeutic effect of this oil at the site of application.
Packaging: 5ml