Beautiful Healthy 1 gallon size SKY PENCIL JAPANESE HOLLY. This holly will suit any garden. The narrow, columnar form is just right for small areas. Dark green foliage holds its color year round, sporting purple berries in the fall. Planted in a large container, it makes an elegant, formal appearance. Cold hardy to 10 degrees F. Drought tolerant once established. Fertilize in spring just before new growth begins. I will wrap the roots and soil with wet paper towel and send priority mail on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, to assure freshness. We ship to all 50 states and territories including CA, HI, Guam, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, with TX Ag Dept. Inspection Certificate on all plants going out of state. When you get the plant put it in healthy soil and water everyday until it looks happy and green then you can water whenever you would like to. You can plant in partial or full sun.