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Sharing Great Finds While Gaining Views with Bonanza's Hand Picked Lists
May 26, 2020

Sharing Great Finds While Gaining Views with Bonanza's Hand Picked Lists

With a job title like mine ~ Seller Happiness Manager, you know that I love working at Bonanza. Helping sellers build their business with unique tools like the Marketing Campaigns mentioned in this blog post is fun and rewarding. I also enjoy shopping at Bonanza. It can be like a treasure hunt, and I’ve found and purchased a lot of really cool stuff over the years. I’ve also found some great deals on staples, which for me would be gardening gloves and sunscreen.

It’s fun to share my finds with friends and family, but we’ve got a tool on Bonanza that lets you share with everyone! And if you are a seller, it might be an item in your own booth. It’s called a Hand-Picked List (HPL), and you can see them on Bonanza’s homepage, on the “Shop by > Hand-Picked Lists” page, and on the profile page of the seller who created the list. 

Let’s help each other out

As a seller, having an item in a Hand-Picked List can be great advertising, especially if it makes it to the homepage. By creating an HPL, you can gain exposure for your own listings, and help some of your fellow sellers get views on their items! It’s great fun putting a list together, and if your list makes the homepage, you’ll get a prize of 50 tokens. There are three factors we consider in choosing lists for the homepage. 

  • All item pictures in the list are crisp and interesting - 60%. Putting blurry, dark, discolored, overcropped, or uninteresting pictures on the homepage is something we avoid. Most lists that end up on the homepage feature items with clear pictures.
  • Interesting or relevant theme - 30%. Lists that are applicable to upcoming holidays or national events have a leg up on lists with more general themes. Lists that are organized into a clear and interesting theme (e.g., "Prom," "Owls," "Helicopters") are more likely to get chosen than those that don't.
  • Catchy title - 10%. We're suckers for a list with a catchy title. Like the list someone created called "Change we can believe in" that was made up of collector's nickels and dimes for sale. Hah!

How to create a Hand-picked List

Easy! Log into Bonanza, and point your mouse over the "Account" link located in the upper left-hand corner of any page. Choose "Hand-picked lists" from the drop-down. This page will show the Hand-Picked Lists you've created. Click the green "Create a new list" button to start a new HPL. Pick a title and theme for your list, and save it.

Once you have saved a list, you can add items by viewing an item listing page. In the listing details, there is an "Add to hand picked list" drop-down menu that will list all of your HPLs. Select the list you’d like to add the item to.


You must add a minimum of 15 items for your Hand-Picked List to be visible. If you want your list to be eligible to be shown on the homepage, you need to add 25 items. Sellers may only add one item from their own booth to each HPL

I hope you have as much fun as I do creating a Hand-Picked List. Feel free to share a link to your lists in the comments below so we can all admire and shop the great items you’ve found. I’ll start, here’s my list: https://www.bonanza.com/hpl/Just-Add-Air/165421 

Happy Bonanzling, everyone!

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22 responses to Sharing Great Finds While Gaining Views with Bonanza's Hand Picked Lists

Heulynch says: 05/27/20 at 01:11:40

Thank you for informing. I will do my HPL soon.
Have a great day.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/27/20 at 09:39:43

You’re welcome Heulynch! Hope you have fun making your Hand-Picked List!

LyndsieG1 says: 05/27/20 at 02:49:21

Thanks for the blog post! Ill be making my hand picked list soon as well :)

BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/27/20 at 09:40:12

Hi LyndsieG1! Looking forward to browsing your list when you make it!

BonzMember_Lorraine says: 05/27/20 at 08:39:50

what a wonderful idea!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/27/20 at 09:46:52

Thanks Lorraine!

FatimaA246 says: 05/27/20 at 12:13:14


BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/28/20 at 09:48:59

Hi Fatima! Welcome to Bonanza, thanks for taking the time to say hi!

Nola_Discount_Shop says: 05/27/20 at 19:39:05

Thanks for the information. It’s a great suggestion.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/28/20 at 09:50:55

Hi Nola! You’re welcome! I see you’ve made a couple of lists, good job!

Louise_love says: 05/28/20 at 00:05:49

i have items on my store front go take a look

BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/28/20 at 09:52:35

Hi Louise! Great items! You can feature one of them in a Hand-Picked List too!

ephemeraleclectics says: 05/30/20 at 13:05:03

Thanks for the cute little postcard :3

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/01/20 at 06:38:02

You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed it!

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